
CHANGING DYNAMICS OF INDIAN FORIEGN POLICY As the 7th largest landmass, the world's 2nd most populous country and the world's most populous democracy with diaspora of 6 million people dispersed globally, INDIA is one of the fastest growing economies of the world. With the world's fifth largest military expenditures (SIPRI military expenditure report-2017) and 3rd largest economy by purchasing power parity (PPP); the country is a regional power and a potential global power. It is India’s growing international influence that increasingly gives it a more prominent voice in global affairs. Foreign policy of any country is a result of mutual interaction of several elements. POST INDEPENDENCE POLICY _NEHRUVIAN ERA:_ With the termination of World War 2, the European and the Japanese economies being adversely shattered; the world saw emergence of two blocs’ i.e. USSR (Russia being the leader) and USA (forming NATO) and thus started the cold war era. India along wit...
#Philosphy_Of_The_Neutral_Zone Have you ever come across two persons or sides engaged in a heated conversation and both of them think they are telling the truth? Almost all of us, but is it possible that both of them are telling the truth when their viewpoints are on opposite extremes. Surely one of them is telling the truth or is it so. This brings us to a very fundamental and rather interesting question,What is truth? “That what is close to reality”,is what you will find if you Google it,but if only life was that simple. That arises the question,do we all live in same reality? A person’s reality is based on a lot of things like his location on the map,the kind of family Ze is born into, the kind of social conditioning Ze receives during course of lifetime and so on. For eg- The reality of Kashmir for a person born in Pakistan is bound to differ from a person born in India. They both will have their own version of truth or reality depending upon the propoganda they are exposed...